Monday, November 21, 2011

So like a guy!

Now that it is November we are into the swing of things at school.  Last month we spent a couple of nights at the beach in Carpenteria, then drove up to Northern CA.  We had a great visit with my family and went through the temple with Tyler. 

Just before we left we adopted Chloe. Phoebe has been asking for a Chihuahua for years.  She is a very good, calm dog.  At one of our stops, there happened to be a dog trainer and she asked when Chloe was due.  We now have 7 dogs!  The puppies are almost 3 weeks old now.  The kids have been having fun with the pups.  Their eyes are now open and they are starting to walk around.  Every day the kids rush home to the puppies.  They will be sad when the pups are gone, but for now it is a blast. 

Isn't that so like a guy to be all laid back, kickin it between the girls!

One of the boys is twice as big as the smallest girl!  He is such a bubba.  We have 2 boys and 3 girls.  They will be ready for homes around Christmas!

So like a man!

We have been busy here!  We finally got back into the swing of things with school.  We adopted a new dog and while driving to CA we found out she was pregnant!  We drove up and went through the Oakland Temple with Tyler.  It was a fast trip, but wonderful to see how grown up he is.  Good job James and Michelle! 

Almost 3 weeks ago Chloe had 4 puppies under Phoebe's bed.  The last one was born almost an hour later.  Mom and puppies are doing great and the kids are loving the puppies.  Every day they rush home to see what they are doing.  Eyes are opened now and they are starting to walk.  They will be sad when all the puppies leave, but they are having fun for now.

The two on their backs are boys, isn't that so like a man to be all stretched out?  They will be ready for new homes around Christmas!